Maths week baking ⚖️🫐🍌

We have been very busy during maths week this week. We had lots of different activities all linked to maths and we can’t wait to show you our circle art, Kandinsky style that we did collaboratively across Primary 1 and Primary 2.

Our favorite thing that we were so excited for was our baking. We filled our pompom jar, and as a reward Primary 2.1 choose to bake fruit muffins.

We wrote our recipes, using our step by step instructions which we followed today. We also talked about the safety we have when baking or cooking – washing our hands, hair tied back and apron on.

It was so much fun, we were little bakers today. 👨‍🍳🧑‍🍳

First we weighed out our dry ingredients and put in a bowl. ⚖️

Next we weighed and added butter, 2 eggs and vanilla to our dry ingredients.

Then we mix all the ingredients together.

After that we put our mixture in a case, add our fruit and bake for 15 minutes.

Lastly, we let them cool and enjoy eating them. 😋

I can’t wait to cook with you all again. 🎉 Let me know if you bake at home too Primary 2.1 little chefs 🧑‍🍳👨‍🍳