
Primary 1 have been so busy. We have been working so hard in all areas and are excited to share our great work.

In Muddy Movers we have been enjoying challenges each week. We had excellent team-working and communication skills when building a bus for us all to sit on. We had to make sure there was enough space for everyone to fit🚌.

Also in Muddy Movers, the strong winds blew the roof off of our house. Some of us wanted to help fix this and again showcased super communication and team-working skills. We lifted the roof to try to put it back on. When this didn’t work, we looked for different materials we could use to make a roof and found some wood in the shed🪵!

We enjoyed learning about cave people and explored cave markings outside as well as gathering materials to make our own paintbrushes🖌.

The class loved celebrating World Book Day. We shared the stories we had brought in and Primary 5 came down to our class to read these to us. We also enjoyed joining in with the Where’s Wally Scavenger Hunt and worked well in teams to find them all. We voted for a book we wanted to hear and went to listen to these stories from another teacher. Finally, the day was finished off with a costume parade.

In Maths we have been exploring weight. We sorted different items into categories and also experimented with some balance scales⚖️!

We have also learned about money. The class have enjoyed sorting coins, adding money and exploring money through play💷.

In P.E. the class have been working on balancing, rolling, jumping and landing for gymnastics🤸🏽.

When changing our classroom around, Primary 1 decided on making a French café. They made all of the signs, placemats and menus by themselves based on what they had learned. They even named it after the song we sing with Camembear “Bonjour les amis”🧸🇫🇷!

We are excited to see what we learn in Term 3🤩!