All posts by Miss Burnett

Life in the past

This term, we will be learning about life in the past. Everyone wrote an I wonder question about life in the past and over the next few weeks we will be learning about these aspects of history. Here are some of the questions asked:

I wonder what schools were like 100 years ago? Sophia

I wonder what books were like? Esme

I wonder what toys children played with? Zac

I wonder what cars were like? Logan

I wonder who was King or Queen 100 years ago? Joseph

I wonder what houses were like? Ada

Today, we looked at some artefacts and made a prediction about each object. Can you guess what each object is? There are 9 in total.

answers: wash board, telephone, radio, Walkman, school desk, school satchel, binoculars and satchel, potato masher, hoover


February Numeracy

In Numeracy, we have been exploring weight and measuring objects in grams. We have been comparing weight using language such as heavier than and lighter than and have been ordering objects by their weight.

We have been investigating the value of number and got creative with the hundred, tens and units blocks.

Muddy Movers

In Muddy Movers, we have been problem solving and working collaboratively. We were challenged to create a structure that we could fit on. There were great ideas shared and the children decided to build a bus. The bus started off on one level, then it became a double decker bus. Ella suggested the tyres should be used for wheels.  Taylor and Innis thought the long planks would make a great seatbelt.

Poetry – ‘Don’t!’

As we have been learning about Robert Burns, we have been exploring his poetry and other poems. We loved listening to ‘Don’t!’  by Michael Rosen and shared our favourite part. We identified the rhyming words used. We then created our own ‘Don’t’ sentences.

Burns Day

We have been learning about Robert Burns this term. Today for Burns day, we learned some dances including Strip The Willow and Canadian Barn Dance. In class, we made shortbread tartan and enjoyed eating it up!

Muddy Movers

Muddy movers has been great fun and we have been focusing on developing our balance and jumping skills. We know that we can hold our balance by standing up tall, keeping our head up and looking forwards. When jumping, it is important to bend our knees and push off.

Science – Forces

We have been learning that all motion is either caused by pushing or pulling. We collected a range of objects and predicted if they used the push force , pull force or both.

We used force and motion to create a collaborative piece of art. First, we pushed and pulled paintbrushes to mix a background colour.

We know that friction is a force that acts in the opposite direction to motion. Friction causes moving objects to slow down. We rolled cars through the paint and onto our background. The tracks showed motion. We observed how long it took the cars to stop.

The force of gravity will pull things down. We dipped paintbrushes into paint and held them up high to observe the paint drop from the brush and onto our background.

January Numeracy learning

We have been busy developing our numeracy skills. We have been exploring place value and using the tens and units blocks to represent two digit numbers.

Numicon has been a popular resource in the maths area. Some of us created a numicon city and worked out the value of each tower.

Sophie used the Numicon to demonstrate addition of doubles.

We have been using the greater than, less than and equals to symbols and used various maths resources to create some number statements.

This term, we are learning to identify and use coins and notes to £20. We hunted in the sand for coins and checked them off as we found them.

We know that we can use different coins to make amounts. We had a go at trying to make £1, 50p and 20p in different ways.



Taylor and Ada had great fun using the dominos in the maths area.

Robert Burns

We are learning about Robert Burns and Scotland, here are some comments about our learning so far…

’He writes poems’ Ella

’Robert Burns was born in Alloway’ Ada

’There is a famous song by him’ Elliot

’People eat a Burns supper’ Millie

’He was born on 25th January and that is Burns day’ Lewis

In  class today we learned that often people dance at a Burns supper and tartan is worn. We used paper to create our own tartan. Have a look at them below,

We also used Microsoft Word to create a tartan. The pupils inserted a rectangle shape and learned how to copy and paste so they could produce a pattern. We used shape fill to change the colour.