All posts by Miss Burnett


We have been exploring Mandarin language and culture with Mrs Cao. We have been learning how to say some greetings such as hello and goodbye in Mandarin. This week we learned days of the week and how to write the date in Mandarin.

Follow the Youtube link if you would like to practice greetings at home.

Week Beginning 30th May

Although it was a short week last week we were very busy in Primary 2. We visited the library on Monday to select a book to check out and keep in class for the next two weeks.

On Tuesday Rennie, the park ranger visited to talk about his role in the community. We loved learning about the types of wildlife that can be found in Barrhead dams. In the afternoon we went on a Mini beast hunt in the school groups to discover what lives in our grounds. We were excited to find all sorts of insects including worms, ladybirds, bees and spiders.


Sunflower art

This term we have been exploring living things and how they grow and are nurtured. We are enjoying watching our sunflowers grow so we drew and coloured sunflowers with oil pastels. Check out our masterpieces below.

Ramadan ⭐🌙

Primary 2 have been learning about the religion of Islam ☪️

We learned all about the traditions that take place over the month of Ramadan with fasting and festive foods eaten after sunset. We discovered that Muslims fast for a whole month, only eating after sunset to practice their self restrain and dedication to their god, Allah.

We were all very excited learning about Eid which takes place after Ramadan.  Family comes together to give presents and they share a big feast of food to celebrate the end of Ramadan.

We made a moon and a star to remind us that Muslims only eat after sunset during Ramadan. ⭐ 🌙


Health and Well-being

In Health and Well-being we are learning about where living things come from and about how they grow, develop and are cared for. We explored the life cycle of a plant and planted sunflower seeds. We are going to observe how they grow and will care for them by watering them.



This morning something big happened in Primary 2. A Easter chick broke into our classroom and made a huge mess. It even visited the office and jumped on Mrs Webster’s desk.  We searched our classroom and corridors for it but no sign so we decided to make WANTED posters. Hopefully someone finds this cheeky chick.


Some children made and left out traps to try and capture the chick. Millie and Adelyn thought if they were like bunnies the chick might come back.


Continuous provision in P2

Learning in Primary two is a balance between adult initiated and child led experiences. The children learn new skills during direct teaching time with Mrs Burnett. They have set targets to complete but are free to choose the order and are responsible for managing their time. In the classroom they have several areas such as Maths, Literacy, Expressive Arts, Construction, Fine Motor, Loose Parts and Role Play to explore. The children can interact with the resources in these areas creatively and extend their learning. Here are some photos of the areas within our classroom and the wonderful learning experiences that are happening.

Sophie and Adelyn made a mind map of facts for 100 in the Numeracy area.

Sophia and Ella are currently writing their own books. They have taken on the role of author and illustrator.

Zac and Innes worked together to build a car garage. Innes decided they needed to a blueprint as “everyone who builds things needs one”.

Charlotte exploring the loose parts.

We have been learning about our sense of sight. In his free play, Innes made a diagram about how sight works and here he is talking through his diagram.

World book day

Today we celebrated World Book Day with lots of activities. We had great fun on a ‘Where’s Wally?’ scavenger hunt. Primary 6 pupils came to visit and we paired up to share our favourite stories. In the afternoon we went to the upper playground where we got to see all the classes in their outfits or wearing their props.