Outdoor Learning 🌳🌲🌸

P4.1 have been extending their learning beyond the classroom and into our beautiful school grounds. 🌳

As part of our community IDL, we are looking to dedicate our time and talents to bring about a positive change to our school and community. The children in P4.1 decided that they would like to litter pick as they felt this was a bit of a problem in certain areas of Barrhead. P1 were also holding a campaign to litter pick in the grounds of Cross Arthurlie for World Oceans Day, so we joined them outside. We were in charge of the area next to the fence and Active Trail. We see a big difference now! It didn’t take long as we all worked as a team to get the job done!

The Diamonds maths group have recently been learning about area so we put their knowledge to the test with the BBC Playground Survey Area Challenge. This would help them to understand the size of a squared metre. Pupils had to work in small groups to estimate then measure the length and breadth of the playground with trundle wheels. They used the formula A=LxB to work out the area. We then calculated an average of all of our measurements to get our final answer. We were very accurate in our measurements as most of them were very similar!

We are very lucky to have such a large playground. Did you know that the length of our playground is a whopping 224m by 71m! The areas where we can play take up half of the overall school grounds so we estimate our playground is about 7.952 squared metres! That’s a lot of space!