Climate Ready Classroom

Today we took part in a whole day event called Climate Ready Classrooms which encouraged us to think of the harm climate change is causing and what we can do to to may a positive difference to help protect our world. We participated in online discussions and workshops with pupils from schools all across East Renfrewshire. We also worked in pairs to complete scavenger hunts around the school to discover where we could be saving energy. We then explored our school grounds to notice the diverse life which surrounds us such as plants, trees, flowers and insects. Later in the day we took part in tasks such as matching animals to their role in the food chain. We even had time to dress Lewis up as the earth and let him experience the impact of green house gasses by dressing him in up in lots of clothes! Finally we made posters to show what we have learned about Climate Ready Classrooms and made an action plan of pledges to show what we can do as a class to slow down climate change. It was a very different but fun day!