September Learning

Primary 4.1 have been busy learning through play and challenging themselves in various areas of the curriculum.

We have all set targets that we would like to work towards achieving by Christmas. We learned all about SMART targets and made sure that we picked something specific, achievable and relevant to us. We displayed our targets in balloons as a reminder to work on them every day!


A popular choice from the pupils of P4.1 was to improve speed and accuracy of particular multiplication tables. We have been playing lots of games to help revise multiplication and related division facts. Here you can see our Tuff Tray and examples of us playing Uno Maths Games, ZAP, SumDog, Times Tables Rock Stars, Hit tbe Button and Power Towers to revise.

Primary 4.1 have been introduced to Blooket Quizzes. Pupils can be quizzed on any topic as they play together in class. The more questions they answer correctly, the more they can play the mini-games. To revise our multiplication and division facts, we played the Racing game. We LOVED watching our Blooket animals race up the track against each other and we had lots of fun whilst revising our Numeracy skills. You can watch us play here.

Every day when we come in from lunch, there is calm music playing and everyone gets comfy with their personal book. We have 10-15 minutes of just reading for enjoyment! Some of pick a book from the library, others bring some in from home and others like to listen to an audiobook. We look forward to this relaxing time every day 😊 We have been exploring the texts on Get Epic and completing comprehension quizzes online to help us apply the strategies we learn in class independently.

September 13th was Roald Dahl Day and we celebrated with puzzles and a writing activity. We chose to write character desciptions of either Miss Honey or Miss Trunchbull. We focussed on using lots of ambitious vocabulary and connectives in our writing. We were so impressed!

We were very grateful to have so many lovely family members in our classroom for Open Afternoon, even on one of the hottest days of the year! We shared what we knew about bones whilst we made a skeleton from cotton buds. We also managed to construct a working model of the lungs.