Continuous provision in P2

Learning in Primary two is a balance between adult initiated and child led experiences. The children learn new skills during direct teaching time with Mrs Burnett. They have set targets to complete but are free to choose the order and are responsible for managing their time. In the classroom they have several areas such as Maths, Literacy, Expressive Arts, Construction, Fine Motor, Loose Parts and Role Play to explore. The children can interact with the resources in these areas creatively and extend their learning. Here are some photos of the areas within our classroom and the wonderful learning experiences that are happening.

Sophie and Adelyn made a mind map of facts for 100 in the Numeracy area.

Sophia and Ella are currently writing their own books. They have taken on the role of author and illustrator.

Zac and Innes worked together to build a car garage. Innes decided they needed to a blueprint as “everyone who builds things needs one”.

Charlotte exploring the loose parts.

We have been learning about our sense of sight. In his free play, Innes made a diagram about how sight works and here he is talking through his diagram.