Our learning so far…

In Numeracy, we have been learning about shapes. We can name 2D shapes like square, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon and octagon and describe their properties. We enjoyed using 2D shapes to create some pictures.

We have also been learning about 3D shapes and can identify cubes, cuboids, cylinders, pyramids and spheres.  We had great fun using cocktail sticks and play dough to build some of the 3D shapes.

In Literacy, we have been learning to read and spell our tricky words and new phonics sounds. We do this by taking part in active spelling activities and some of these seen in the pictures below are:

  • Play dough spelling
  • Scrabble letters
  • Beanbag throw

We have been loving going to the gym hall on a Thursday afternoon to do P.E. Over the last few weeks we have been developing our dribbling and throwing and catching skills using both footballs and basketballs.