Welcome to Primary 2

It has been lovely having everyone back at school and we have loved catching up with our friends.  The class have been superstars and have settled well into our routines.

Here is a little snapshot of our learning so far:

We have been busy reading the story Jim and the Beanstalk and were very lucky to have a special delivery arrive in the classroom. We received a letter and footprint from the Giant asking us to help him out.
We had to use our measuring skills to measure his footprint to make him a new pair of shoes. We used cubes to do this and discovered his footprint was 18 cubes long.

We decided that we wanted to know how much bigger the giants footprint was than our own so we worked with a partner to draw around our feet and used cubes to measure our footprints.

In Literacy, we have been learning the sh and ch sound and have been excellent at identifying and spelling words with these sounds. Test us at home by asking for some ch and sh words. We have also been working on forming lower and uppercase letters and have enjoyed doing this using paint.
e.g. Aa, Bb, Cc.

This week in Science we will be learning about the Water Cycle. Watch the video to find out more.

Useful information:

P.E is on a Thursday

Muddy Movers is on  a Monday, please provide welly boots if possible.

Homework is issued on a Monday and will be collected on a Friday. Reading homework should be completed every night.