Party Hats and Fruit Kebabs!

Party Hats

Carrying on with instructional writing in our comprehension we read some instructions about how to make a party hat. We answered all the questions related to the instructions then made our own hat. We are wearing them on our heads in the first photo.



Fruit Kebabs

In Health we have been talking about healthy foods and snacks. We made some fruit kebabs which are a great healthy snack. We then wrote instructions for them as well.




We have been learning how to write instructions within our writing lessons. We are making sure that we include a ‘you will need’ list and that our instructions are clear and easy to follow. We made cucumber sandwiches to help us get the right order. We even ate them afterwards😋


Halloween Fun!

We all had a fab time at our Halloween party and as it was our PE time we even managed to have it in the hall! Dancing, games and party food were all enjoyed thanks to the Parent Council donation!



Scottish Inventors

We have been studying Scottish Inventors this month. We learned about Alexander Graham Bell and how he invented the telephone so we re-created our own basic telephones to communicate with each other! They did work!


P3 Science Space

Primary 3 have been enjoying learning about Space.

We made models to demonstrate that the earth spins around the sun and the moon orbits the earth.  We also investigated how the moon reflects the suns light using a torch as the sunlight. We had great fun creating our own craters on the moon using space rocks.

Have a look at our learning so far!




Maths Week!

This week is National Maths Week and we have been focusing on symmetry . We went outdoors to try to create some symmetrical patterns using natural materials from the our playground. We did find it tough to be completely symmetrical but we made a good attempt. We also the created symmetrical patterns using 3D objects in the classroom.  We created our own symmetrical pattern first then we created half of one for our partner to complete. We enjoyed doing it!


Welcome to Primary 3!

We have all returned back to school and we have moved round to the middle school corridor. We are settling in to our new classroom and the new playgrounds. We like the opportunity to use the Active Trail and the bottom playground for sports. We are not able to show you our faces yet so here is some of our work.

1. We studied the artist Andy Warhol who creates repeated images in very bright colours. It is called Pop Art. We chose to use donuts and cupcakes in our design.

2. We wrote some Acrostic Poems using our names. We tried to think of words to describe ourselves or things that we like.

3. We created our very own McMoo picture. We based them on the artist Jennifer Hogwood who creates lovely images of Highland cows .


Farewell Primary 2

Primary 2 had another good year at Cross Arthurlie and despite a period of learning from home, they’ve shown resilience and confidence by bouncing back.  We look forward to seeing everyone back for Primary 3.

Fun day

Today was Cross Arthurlie fun day, Primary 2’s theme was a day at the seaside. In the morning we made different crafts and we visited the fun fair, where we played lots of different games such as hit the bulls eye, knock the cups and fish out the rubber ducks. Primary 7 also organised some outdoor stations and races for the whole school. After lunch, we had a visit from the ice cream van and we all got a tub of ice cream! What a busy day we all had, it really was a great way to celebrate the end of Primary 2. Thank you for all your hard work this year, we will miss you!


Then and Now

Today we learned how to play some popular childhood games from the past. Some of us already knew these games and others were learning them for the first time. We played marbles, snap, memory game, the hoop and stick and dominos. Marbles was most people’s favourite!


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