Following a Map

Today, we had lots of fun following a map to find stars hidden round the outdoor area. When we found a star we labelled that section of our map.  We have been learning that a good map is a map that is labelled clearly.  When we got back to class we added any finishing touches to our map.


Creating a Map

We listened carefully to the story “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” and took notes on our whiteboard about the places the characters passed on their bear hunt. We used our notes to create a map. Check out our fantastic maps below.





Literacy Learning

We have been learning about the alphabet. We have been playing matching games to help us learn what each capital and lowercase letter looks like. We will continue to explore letters and will practice our letter formation.

As we are now in Primary 2 we get spelling homework. In class we do lots of Active Spelling to help us learn how to spell words. Some boys and girls were using magnetic letters to spell words.

‘ch’ was one of our spelling rules so the children were challenged to write ‘ch’ words and our tricky words with chalk.

Outdoor Learning

Muddy movers has been one of our favourite activities since returning to school. It is lots of fun, plus it helps us develop our gross motor skills which in turn improves our fine motor skills such as our pencil grip. We have been learning to work together to build obstacle courses and risk assess to ensure we can all cross the obstacle course safely.

Check out some of the pictures below. We were learning to keep our balance so it is important to….

Oran- “stand up tall”

Mollie- “hold our arms out”

Georgia- “face forwards”

Our Local Area

Primary 2 have had a busy few weeks learning lots of new skills and having fun!

Our Local Area-
We have been learning about Our Local Area using different types of maps. We used Google Maps to find our house and discussed the different types of houses we live in including detached, semi-detached, terraced, flats, cottage flats and bungalows.

The boys and girls worked in small groups to explore a paper map of Barrhead where they identified their street and were able to find the train station, primary schools and community buildings.

Primary two have had so much fun learning about houses and homes we created an Estate Agents. The children used their literacy skills and their prior learning to make For Sale posters.




Welcome back to Primary 2/2.

We have all enjoyed our first few weeks back in Primary 2/2. We have loved seeing each other again and getting back into our classroom routine.

We have been busy exploring our new classroom! We have lots of fantastic resources in our room and enjoy using them to build, create and learn.

We read a book called the Colour Monster and explored all the different emotions we were all feeling. We made fantastic monsters using collage.

We created our class charter and learned about our rights. We used our handprints and joined them together to make large flowers.

Have a look at some of the work we have created so far!

Online Learning

Hello P1/2!

I hope you are all well!

Thank you to everyone for logging into GLOW and joining the learning in our google classroom.

If you are having problems logging onto GLOW, please look for your password and username in your home learning pack which was given out at school.  If you didn’t receive one of these, please contact the school using our email address and we can help you.

Our class code for the google classroom can be emailed to you.

I will now post all online learning activities on the Google Classroom as most of you seem to be using this.

Please get in touch with the school office if you are having any problems and we can help you.

Thank you,

Mrs Powell

Friday 27th March

Good morning primary 1/2.

It’s Friday already and I have been so proud of all your hard work this week. It’s been a very strange week but it’s been so good to have our google classroom so that we can all keep in touch.

Try some of our activities if you have time.

I’m going to start my day with Joe Wicks although my legs are a bit sore! He makes me work very hard!

Have a good day 😁

PLEASE try to log in to our classroom today if you can.  If you are finding this hard, please email the school and we can help you.  All web links are there and the children are chatting with each other which is really lovely.

I’ll post a few screenshots of what is on our classroom today.

Bye for now,

Mrs Powell





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