All posts by Mrs Kane Kane

Welcome to Primary 6/2

Welcome to Primary 6/2’s blog. Here we will post pictures, videos and exciting events happening in our class.

We created our class charter together deciding on our rights and created a flower to add to our class flowerpot.

We designed portraits of our inner and outer self and created acrostic poems to go alongside them.

Forces Fun

In science we have been learning about forces. We have explored the forces push and pull.

Today we went outside and took part in push and pull activities.

First we played tug of war in groups using the pull force. Then we pushed the football around the cone. We had fun pulling the stilts from one end of the playground to the other. We then set up planks of wood and used the force of push to knock them down with a ball.


Easter planting

We have been learning about living things in science. We combined our knowledge of how to grow and look after a plant with some Easter fun!

We made Easter bunny plant pots and then planted our flower bulb using soil.

We put water in our plants to give them food and the boys and girls will continue to give their bulbs water and sunlight over the Spring break so they can grow into beautiful flowers.

Good luck P2/2!



Right angle hunt

Today we were learning about right angles.

We learned that when two lines meet they create an angle and shapes like rectangles and squares have right angles.

We created angle eaters and had great fun going on a right angle hunt around our classroom.

We recorded our findings on our whiteboards.

Have a look at all the right angles we found!!

Ice painting

Primary 2/2 have been learning all about water in science.

Today we were learning that water turns from a liquid to a solid when it freezes below 0°C and we call this ice!

We explored the different things that we can do with ice and we used ice painting to create fantastic pictures.


Some of us used cubes and counters to measure the lengths of different lines. We also measured how tall we each were and stood in a line in order of height!

Welcome back to Primary 2/2.

We have all enjoyed our first few weeks back in Primary 2/2. We have loved seeing each other again and getting back into our classroom routine.

We have been busy exploring our new classroom! We have lots of fantastic resources in our room and enjoy using them to build, create and learn.

We read a book called the Colour Monster and explored all the different emotions we were all feeling. We made fantastic monsters using collage.

We created our class charter and learned about our rights. We used our handprints and joined them together to make large flowers.

Have a look at some of the work we have created so far!