All posts by Mrs Britton

Food Chains

Recently in Science we have been learning about Food Chains.

We investigated the terms herbivore, carnivore and omnivore.  We had to draw and label an animal and then correctly sort the animal using a whole class Venn Diagram.  We had lots of fun!





We have started a new RME topic all about the Parables of Jesus.  We listened to and discussed the story of the two builders or the wise man and the foolish man.  We talked about the message of the story and how we should always work hard in everything that we do and be kind to others.

We used different building materials and tried to build a house on cushions to be like the foolish man who took the easy way out.  We then built a house on solid foundations – it was more difficult to knock down.  We decided we would rather be like the wise man. We also designed our own dream homes!



P3 Science Space

Primary 3 have been enjoying learning about Space.

We made models to demonstrate that the earth spins around the sun and the moon orbits the earth.  We also investigated how the moon reflects the suns light using a torch as the sunlight. We had great fun creating our own craters on the moon using space rocks.

Have a look at our learning so far!