In RME Miss Aisha has been teaching us about religious artefacts and their significance. At the start of the lesson some people were asked to share some of their own treasured belongings. Georgia brought in two of her cuddly toys. We tried to guess why they are so precious to Georgia.
Later in the lesson we were making prayer beads. We selected letters, colours and shapes which have some significance to us.

Evie chose colours to represent her three best friends.

Lewis B chose the letters M and D to represent his Mum and Dad.

Tyler used the letters of his dog’s name as his dog is very precious to him.

Isla chose to include a star to represent her grandad.

Others related their beads to our school values. Kyrin said his beads will remind him to be respectful.




Basketball 🏀

This term we have been learning skills for Basketball. We have been focusing on dribbling, passing and shooting. We have enjoyed putting our skills into practice during some team games.  Everyone has worked hard and improved their skills. One of our favourite challenges is 21 where we split into two teams and take turns at shooting. The winning team is first to reach 21 points.

Fireworks Art 🧨 🎆💥

Remember, Remember the 5th of November!

This week we have been learning about the story of Guy Fawkes and the traditions of Bonfire Night.  We wrote letters in role as Lord Monteagle writing to King James I warning him of the plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament.
In Assembly we were learning how to keep safe when celebrating Bonfire Night and how to look after our pets on this noisy evening.
Finally we created some Art inspired by fireworks. We drew  a skyline and cut it out and placed it against a dark background. Then we used chalks to give the effect of fireworks lighting up the sky.  Below is a few examples of our Art.

Snow White 🍎

What a lovely afternoon we had today in the hall watching a performance of Snow White. We especially loved all the great music and the dance off between Mrs MacDonald and Mr Cummings. We even had a chance to practise our three times table during the show.

Here is what we thought of the performance :


Ava – I would give it double thumbs up!
Lewis B – I wish I had three thumbs so I could give it triple thumbs up.
Alfie – I would give it eleven out of ten.
Isla – I didn’t know the story of Snow White but I really enjoyed it.



Buddying 👫👬👭

Primary 5 loved visiting our buddies in Primary 1 last week. It was great to join them in their classroom and to share our Mr Men and Little Miss stories with them. We enjoyed helping Primary 1 create their own characters and were impressed by their great ideas. We hope to get together with P1 again soon.

Welcome to Primary 5/1

Welcome to our Class Blog where you will be able to keep up to date with all our learning. Everyone has settled well since returning from the long summer holiday and we are now back into the swing of things and working very hard.

This week we have been completing our Class Charter which has a Mr Men theme. We have agreed on the rights which we think are most important to us.

Staying with the theme of Mr Men we have been busy writing Mr Men and Little Miss Stories for the new Primary One children who we will be buddying this session.  We will be visiting them soon to share our books with them.


Solo Talks

Primary 4 worked very hard at home to plan and prepare for their solo talks.

As a class we talked about the features of presenting. We discussed the importance of eye contact, loud, clear voice and the ability to ask and answer questions.

I loved hearing about what the children wanted to speak about. The different topics included  hobbies, interests,pets,siblings and important people.

Well done boys and girls. 

Electrical Circuits

Primary four have been learning about electrical circuits in science. They explored the different symbols for components and understood that a circuit must be complete in order to work.

The pupils drew different electrical circuits to light up a bulb and move a motor. They then constructed the circuit using wires, bulbs, motors and switches.

Have a look at their amazing circuits.

Viking shields

Primary four had great fun using maths and art skills creating and designing Viking shields.

First they used a compass tool to draw the perfect circle then used their maths skills to split their circle into fractions, taking extra care to make their parts equal sizes.

They then selected their choice of paint to colour their shields.




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