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This term in Science we are learning how make predictions about and experiment with dissolving things in water.
We are learning how to relate our findings to the world around us.

Key Skills
To be able to investigate the difference between soluble and insoluble substances.
To be able to investigate what makes things dissolve more quickly.

Key Knowledge
Dissolving is when a solid gets mixed in a liquid and creates a solution.
A solution is a brand new thing made from mixing a liquid and another material which dissolves in the liquid.
If something is soluble, it dissolves entirely in the liquid.
If something is insoluble, it does not dissolve in liquid. For example, if you put a plastic dice in water, it would not change. The dice is insoluble in water.

We have conducted lots of different  experiments 🧪  first we dissolved sugar at three different temperatures to create a solution. Then we experimented to see if sand, salt and oil dissolved. We also watched jelly dissolving. Lastly we discussed saturation point and carried out an experiment with sugar and water.


May in Primary 3/1


Well done!  It was great to see everyone in house colours.  You all tried so hard with all the potted sports activities.  So many big smiles from everyone!


We made a memory game to help us revise o’clock and half past, and also to learn more about quarter past and quarter to.  Great team work!


We have planted sunflower and wildflower seeds in the muddy movers area.  Fingers crossed for lots of flowers soon.


We have all written a letter to the Queen.  We wanted to congratulate her on her Platinum Jubilee.  We hope she write back to us!


We are doing really well with our new hockey skills.  We can now push pass and our dribbling skills have really improved.


April 2022



We have been having a great time learning about France during French Week.  We researched Claude Monet and created our own versions of his famous lily paintings.  We also designed our own Eiffel Towers using art straws.  The best part was trying some French food.  The pain au chocolat was a delicious favourite!



March in P3/1

We’ve had a very busy month!

COLLECTING INFORMATION – We have been learning about data handling and we went outside to complete a tally chart.  We then displayed the information on a bar chart.  Great job!


We are having great fun at muddy movers!

KAPLA – we absolutely love using the new KAPLA resource in our classroom.  Great creations are being built every day!

MANDARIN fun with our Mandarin teacher.




We have been learning how to be resilient.  We made resilient wheels which were full of positive affirmations to remind us we have the power to bounce back when we meet challenges.  These were super!

World Book Day 2022

We had a brilliant time on Thursday 3rd March!

We loved dressing up and bringing in props to accompany our favourite books and we really loved the ‘Where’s Wally?’ scavenger hunt!

Reading books is lots of fun!


February 2022

Chinese New Year 2022

We have been researching tigers for the year of the tiger and we made lucky red envelopes.  We were excited to find chocolate coins inside them!


We have learned lots of new facts about the Romans.  We loved making our own shields and helmets and learning about the life of a Roman soldier.

More Muddy Movers Fun!


Triangles Maths Group

The triangles group have been working really hard this term in Maths.  We have been exploring money and can identify and use all coins and notes to £10.  We have also investigated different ways of making the same total and created a class shop and practised mentally calculating the correct change.



Food Chains

We have been learning about Food Chains in Science.

We investigated the terms herbivore, carnivore and omnivore.  We had to draw and label an animal and then correctly sort the animal using a whole class Venn Diagram.  We then had to answer questions about our Venn Diagram.