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Glasgow Science Centre

Yesterday we enjoyed a great trip to the Glasgow Science Centre. We had been preparing in advance for our visit by learning about  body systems and we got to learn more about the the vital organs of the body during the theatre show. We also had lots of time to explore the three floors of the Science Centre and to try out lots of fun activities. Below is a little sample of the things we got up to.

Final Weeks of Term

We are now into June and in the final weeks of term. It is hard to believe how quickly the year has gone. Everyone has been working really hard and we have made great progress. We will keep working hard right up to our final day of Primary 5.

Bikeability🚲 🏍️

Today P5 had their first Bikeability session in the playground. We performed our M Check on the bikes, checked our safety helmets and began learning new cycling skills including turning safely for left and right turns. We also practised our balance skills with the slalom and the slow race.

And the winner is…

Well done to Lewis who was the winner of the P7 Grow a Fiver Raffle winning the football. Here he is being presented with it from the P7 entrepreneurs. Lewis definitely had his eye on the prize and was really keen to win the football! ⚽️



Successful Learners 💻⌨️🖥️

This term we have been busy in ICT learning to code using a program called Kodu. We have learned how to program a robot to move and also managed to create a simple collection game with a scoring system. We have enjoyed learning new skills.
We have also learned how to create our own websites using Google Sites. Here is Ronnie, below, presenting his DJ site to the class. We were very impressed with Ronnie’s website which is easy to navigate and provides lots of information about how to be a DJ.

Today we had a STEM visit from Graham Construction. The engineer explained to us the processes involved in building bridges and how all new construction work has to consider the environment.
We worked in groups to create our own bridge designs.


This term we have been learning about Buddhism in RME. We worked in groups to research the religion and to find out about its origins and festivals. We presented our findings with some of us sharing our knowledge through posters, Power Point and by creating websites.  We identified Wesak as being one of the most important festivals and as a class we researched this festival further on Thursday 23rd May which is when Wesak fell this year.  We also had a quiz and made cards to celebrate the festival.

Christophe’s Story 📖 📕

Today we finished our latest class novel, Christophe’s Story. It tells the tale of a young boy who must leave his home in Rwanda and move to England due to war. We decided to take our books outside to the gazebo to make the most of the nice weather.  Afterwards we decided to share our own stories. Many of us took to the hot seat to tell dramatic or special moments in our own lives.