Maths Week Scotland 2021

We’ve had a brilliant week thinking about how important maths is.  We use maths all the time! We decided to take our learning outdoors and used our environment for symmetry and data handling challenges.  We had lots of fun and we talked all the time about what we were doing and what we discovered!




We worked on symmetry back in the classroom too 🙂

Venn Diagrams and Carroll Diagrams – great understanding and excellent teamwork!




Fractions – Can you cut a wrap into 2 equal parts to make halves?  Can you make quarters?  How many parts will you have?  So many questions during our fractions activity.  The wraps tasted great with jam and honey.  A lovely, wee treat after working so hard!


Length – Our challenge was to create an item which measured exactly 50cm.  This was great fun and quite challenging!  Three groups managed to make their items measure exactly 50cm 🙂




What a great week!