
Solo Talks

Since returning to school, we have heard a solo talk each day. We have been great at practising our speaker voices and also learning how to be a great audience! We all chose to speak about different topics which were special to us and we all learned so much more about each other!




All About Me

The boys and girls have enjoyed creating their own PowerPoints in ICT.

They learned how to create a new slide, add text and insert pictures. They then animated their own slides to make it look exciting.

The pupils then took on the role as a mini teacher and stood up and showed their own PowerPoints to the rest of their friends on the big whiteboard in the classroom.


How to make toast

Primary 2/2 had lots of fun writing instructions for making toast. They used lots of bossy verbs and made sure their instrcutions were clear and helpful.

They then had to follow the instructions carefully and make their own toast. Yum!!