Tag Archives: winter

Trapped in a snow globe

Following on from our blog post a couple of weeks ago, we have finished and displayed our winter snow globe art and writing and love how this turned out!
We used our imagination to picture ourselves trapped in a snow globe and wrote all about how we got trapped inside, what we could sense, how we felt and how we managed to escape. We created snow globe art to go along with it. Have a read below❄️⛄️🌨

Snow much fun

For writing this week we were writing an imaganitave piece about being trapped in a snow globe. We also created some fun art to go with our writing. Keep an eye on our blog to see how our snow globe writing and art turns out. To our surprise, whilst we were redrafting our writing, it started to snow! We were so excited so ofcourse we had to go out and play in the snow for a while.
Look at our snow photos below.