Tag Archives: idl

Rainforest Layers

We have been learning to identify the layers of the rainforest. Just like a cake, the rainforest has different layers. These layers include: forest floor, understory, canopy, and emergent. We worked in groups to choose a layer of the rainforest to focus on. We used the internet and books to research information about the layer, what it looks like and what plants and animals can be found there. We recorded our research on a poster and presented this to the rest of the class. 🌳🐾🐍

Location of the rainforest

As part of our rainforest topic we have been using maps and atlases to locate the rainforests around the world. We can identify the equator, an imaginary line around the planet, where many of the rainforest lie due to the hot climate here. We also learned about the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer and highlighted these on our maps. We have enjoyed reading the rainforest books which have been added to our class library this term. πŸŒ²πŸƒ