Tag Archives: germination

Class planters

Following on from our previous post about germination, we decided to take our class planters outdoors to plant them in a bigger space with more fresh air, water and sunlight. We used compost, watering cans, trowels, forks, and more. We worked in small groups to complete different tasks such as pulling out weeds, preparing the soil, planting the biodegradable pots and watering the plants. We look forward to seeing our plants blossom! ðŸŠī💐☀ïļ


Our science topic this term is germination. Just like humans, plants need certain things to grow and survive. We have been learning about plant growth and survival, parts of a plant, methods of seed dispersal and how plants make their own food through a process called photosynthesis. We decided to plant and grow our own plants. We used soil, seeds, biodegradable pots and water and have enjoyed watching their growth and progress in class. Keep an eye on our blog for an updated photo of our class planters. 💐🍃ðŸŠī