All posts by Mrs Powell

Learning about Adjectives 🤔

This week we have been learning about adjectives. These words are great and make our writing more exciting!

We brought a toy in from home and described it to our friends. Well done everyone! Your adjectives were brilliant!



The start of 2019 in p1/2 😃

We have been very busy revising 2D and 3D shapes and learning about symmetry …








We are still having a brilliant time learning outdoors …










When We Were Very Little! 👶🏼

We had to ask our parents some questions about what we were like when we were tiny.

Some children have started to bring back their completed homework activity and we have loved listening to each other talk about what we found out.





We can’t wait to hear from everyone else!


Our first week back to school 2019

We were so excited to see each other this week!

We’ve had lots of fun painting, counting, talking, digging, climbing, balancing  and getting muddy! 🙂



Well done Brayden!  Your trophy from kick boxing club is a great achievement.

People Who Help Us Visitors

We had a very busy week with lots of visits from people who were able to tell us about their jobs and how they help people.

Jennifer told us all about her job as a Nurse and we tried to guess what all her equipment was for.  We learned how to put on a bandage properly.

Thank you Jennifer!

We also had a visit from Tom who is an Aircraft Technician at Glasgow Airport.

He showed us lots of equipment and gave us information about what planes could be made from in the future.


We also learned about the job of a Paediatric Doctor when Andrew McLaren came to visit us.  He brought baby Candy to meet us and we were amazed by the tiny size of his training doll.  Her nappies were tiny too!



Dr Andrew also told us that sometimes he has to travel in a plane or a helicopter to help babies who are unwell and there is no hospital nearby for them to go to.  We thought this was very exciting!

Thank you for telling us all about your job!


We also had a visit from Mr Turnbull who told us all about his role in the Boys’ Brigade.  Sadly, our photos from his visit were accidentally deleted!  I think Mr Turnbull may have lots of new recruits as the children loved hearing about all the fun things you do in the Boys’ Brigade!





Our visit from Joanne Crangle

We had a visit from Joanne Crangle.  Joanne works for the National Deaf Children’s Society.   We learned all about her job where she helps deaf children and their families.  We listened to lots of very interesting information about her charity and then Joanne taught us sign language for ‘Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer’.  This was great fun!


We tried to communicate with our friends by lip reading.  It was quite difficult!


Thank you for the 2 great books you gave us to enjoy.  They have helped us learn more about how to communicate with others.


We had a brilliant time with you Joanne.  Thank you so much for spending the afternoon with us!

Supporting the local food bank – December 2018

Thank you to all the wonderful Cross Arthurlie families who helped Primary 1 and 2 collect a huge amount of toiletries and food for the local food bank on Main Street.

We had good fun sorting the donations into different groups and counting the items using pictograms and tally sheets.



Thank you to the very kind volunteers who came to collect the donations.  They were very grateful for everything we had managed to collect.