April’s Post

Morning with the Pandas 

We joined the online call ‘An Adventure with Pandas’. It was so fun we got to answer questions in Mandarin, see videos of Panda and learn more about the giant pandas, Yang Guang and Tian Tian, who were returning back to China.


Mrs Carey came to visit us and we got to work in a groups to compose a four beat rhythm pattern, using the beats ta, tete, tiri tiri / tiri te / te tiri.

Talent Show 

We won 10 stars in the Jar by working as a team and working hard in class! We then got to vote what we wanted our class reward to be! We voted for a class talent show! We got time to present our talents and celebrate each others amazing confidence! Well done to everyone!!


Talking and Listening

For talking and listening we worked in groups to create a voice over for a movie trailer. We watched the trailer without any music and had to think about the plot, characters and setting. We created scripts that told a story and encourage people to watch the movie, it was tricky to make sure what we said matched with what was on the screen! We got really creative and some of us used our instruments to add tension! We had great fun doing this and we loved listening to our peers ideas.