Decembers Post

Hi Parents we have lots to update you on!

Castle and Bridges 

Our Topic is Castles and Bridges and we have been learning and share our knowledge about them .  We were in a group of 5 and we all made some castles. We have all worked so hard with making the castles and we put so much hard effort into them. We  created them by learning about attachment techniques, these techniques helped us build strong castles., our challenge was to use at least two of the 4 we had learnt about. Everyone did a great job of building and worked well in their teams.


Salt Dough

We all made a Christmas craft using salt dough. The materials we used were, stencils, food colouring, flour, water and salt. Before they dried we put 3 thumb prints then we let them dry. When they dried we painted the thumb prints like baubles on a tree. We hope you liked them and hope some of you have them hanging on your tree!


We have been working hard during maths and completing lots of problems solving tasks. We have had different challenged that we we work on then when we are done we complete our targets, these help us practice the learning that we have already focused on.

Class Prize

Everyone had been really good at getting tidied up quickly and we managed to get 10 stars in the jar! We had a class prize and everyone could bring in any teddy of their choice but not too big. We had so much fun showing each other what we had brought in, everyone was smiling and laughing we all had an amazing time!


On Tuesday we had our party in the afternoon we played  lots of  games like pin the carrot on the snowman, musical statues and corners.


Writing and Art

During art we all got a chance to paint a wonderful snowing setting, this helped us a lot with our writing as it helped us imagine what our setting would look like. We had to use our imagination to describe what we saw, heard and felt. We even came up with some similes and alliteration to use in our writing.


We want to wish you a happy holidays and hope it is filled with lots of fun and happiness!

Signing off Primary 5.2