Wednesday 22nd April

Good morning, how are you today? Can anyone tell me what today’s date is? Does anyone know how many days we have left of this month?

Today you have Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing tasks which can be found on Google Classroom classwork. There is a short video to watch for your HWB task, please let me know if you have any issues accessing it.

I will outline tasks below,


Task 1- We are learning to scan for information. We are learning to write in sentences.

Please open up the attachments on Google Classroom- The first attachment is an image ‘Map of Barton’ and the next one is questions about the map. Please answer the questions about Map of Barton, in sentences, in your Literacy Jotter. Remember to put the big date at the top.

Task 2- Please select an activity from the Spelling Grid that is inside your Green learning folder.

Task 3- Keep on reading aloud!
Please read chapter 4 of Roy the Zebra, use the discussion sheets and comment on here what you enjoyed about this chapter. Remember to read with expression and point out any question marks or exclamation marks to your grown up.


Task 1-
All children please complete Wednesday’s Mental Maths in Numeracy Jotter.

Task 2 Cylinders and Spheres-
‘We are learning to count tens’
Please open the attached image and complete the questions in your Numeracy Jotter. If you have a printer at home, you can print the worksheet and write on it.

Task 2 Pyramids-
‘We are learning to use addition to solve calculations’
Please complete Home Activity 2 in your maths booklet.

Task 3- ‘we are learning to use addition and subtraction to solve calculations’
All children please revise your maths number bonds. Click on the Topmarks link below and select the addition carriage. You can choose bonds to make 10 or bonds to make 20. There are lots of different games you can play on the Mental Maths Train, so feel free to explore some other options.

Displaying 20 Apr 2020 at 15:01



Including Others

Listen to the story This is Our House on YouTube by following the link below.

After reading discuss the story-
What part of the story did you like the best?
Why do you think George wanted to keep everyone out the house?
Has something like that ever happened to you or a friend?
If so how was it sorted out?
Why do you think George changed his mind at the end of the story about the children being in the house?

Possible Activities-
Use a cardboard box or anything you can find to make your own house. Invite your teddy bears and toys in, tell stories, play games.

Use pens, pencils, crayons or paint to draw your house. Beside it draw all the people and animals you live with.

Draw a friend- around the picture of your friend write all the reasons you like them.