Thursday 2nd April 2020


Task 1
Writing – Make an Easter card for a neighbour to bring them some cheer while we are all staying at home.  Please include:
– To ….
– Write a kind sentence inside which will hopefully cheer your neighbour up, see attached example
– From ….
Decorate the front with an Easter themed picture.

Task 2
Active spelling – Use the spelling grid provided in Home Learning Pack to choose a spelling activity. Select a different spelling activity from yesterday.

Task 3
Talk to an adult about a special time you remember from when you were younger. What did you do? who were you with? where were you? If you would like to share this on Google classroom that would be lovely too.


Task 1
Measure – Can you choose five objects in your house and measure them? If you don’t have a ruler could you use different objects to measure?
eg the book is the same length as 10 lego pieces.
Tell me what you measured and what you used to measure.
If you use a ruler remember to use Centimetres( CMs.)
Can you talk about your measurements with an adult using longer, shorter, the same as.

Task 2
Top marks game on measuring in cm’s.

Task 3
Please complete Thursdays Mental Maths.