Novembers Blog!

Hi parents, it’s Kayla and May reporting for P5/2. We are here to tell you all about the wonderful things we have being doing for the last month.


We have been helping  our P1 buddies  in I.C.T. by showing them how to a make a jam board by explaining how to add pictures and texts.  We also helped them in Muddy Movers by making an obstacle course and playing in the mud kitchen. (ARTICLE 24)


In P.E. we have just finished rugby and now we are doing Netball. We have been focusing on the skills on Netball. We have also been playing games  to help us and now we are playing matches and READY TO GO! (ARTICLE 31)


We now have  a whiteboard table to help us with our maths, we are set challenges or challenge each other. We have also been creating 3D shapes with playdoh and spaghetti.

Scottish Wars of Independence 

We dressed up as Scottish noblemen and women and  signed the Ragman’s Roll. We are now going to move onto bridges and castles for our next topic.

Spooky Stories

We have created a spooky stories with many chapters! We have worked so hard on them and got the chance to read it to each other. We have them home with us so we can share them with YOU!

Climate Change 

We have been learning about climate change. We have been gather facts and forming our own opinions about the topic. We were reading, researching, watching speeches and shared our knowledge on our Jamboard.  Next week we will be writing about climate change.

Signing off from the Blog, hope you all have a good weekend.

Kayla and May.