Our class trip to Vikingar

On Friday we visited Vikingar in Largs. This was the perfect end to our Viking topic as it summed up everything we have been learning in class this term.

The bus journey was long but we were all very excited!
When we arrived we went to a theatre room where some of us got to dress up as upper, lower and working class vikings. Next we watched a movie about the Battle of Largs.

After this we were given a tour of a viking long house. It was cool to see one of these in real life after learning so much about them through photos on the internet and in books. We got to try on Viking armour and battle wear, pretend to cook a Viking meal and sleep on Viking beds. Unfortunately these were not very comfortable! Next we were taken to Valhalla, the home of the Viking gods, and here we met Odin, the chief god!

Since it was such a lovely day we decided to have lunch outdoors and played games on the grass. We ended our day with a walk along the promenade on Largs Beach. The sun was shining and it felt amazing! We had a fantastic day.

Check out some really cool photos from our trip below๐Ÿ—กโ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ›ก