Monday 27th April

Happy Monday Primary 2!


Task 1- Please copy in your first five spell words. Cover each word, and try and spell it a further two times.

Task 2- Please complete Jolly Spelling 28- ‘oy’. Write an oy word and draw a picture for each word.

Task 3- News Writing
In your Literacy Jotter I would like you to write about your weekend- What did you do on each day? What did you do for your daily exercise? How are you feeling?
You must:
Write at least three sentences- using capital letters and full stops correctly.
Include your feelings
Draw an illustration

monday 27th april spelling



We are learning to use addition and subtraction to solve calculations.
We are learning to find the missing number.

Task 1- Please complete Home Activity 3 in your Maths Booklet.

Task 2- Please login to Education City following the link attached. Please complete Pairs that total 6, 7 , 8 and 9. I have assigned this game to your classwork. If you cannot find please search for it by selecting,
Numeracy> Early > Early *** Pairs that total 6, 7,8 and 9.

Task 3- Please complete Monday’s Mental Maths in your Numeracy Jotter or if you have a printer you can print the sheet and write on it.

Cylinders and Spheres-

We are learning to use addition and subtraction to solve calculations.
We are learning to find the missing number in a calculation.

Task 1- Please open the word document attached ‘Addition Facts for 16 and 17’ and copy and complete the calculations in your Numeracy Jotter.

Task 2- Education City
I would like you to complete the Water Raiders game on Education City which I have assigned to your classwork. If you cannot find the game on your classwork please search for it.
Numeracy > Early > Early *** Water Raiders, Numbers facts for 15, 16, 17 …
I have added a few extra games that I will direct you to over the next few weeks, please feel free to explore these games.

Task 3- Please complete Monday’s Mental Maths in your Numeracy Jotter, or if you have a printer you can print the worksheet and write on it.

Addition facts for 16 and 17MM Monday 27th AprilMM Monday 27th April c and s