Tuesday 21st April

Good morning I hope you are well and are enjoying the sunny weather. Today’s tasks are posted below but you will need to access Google Classroom to complete some of them so please contact the school office if you have any trouble gaining access.


Task 1- Please copy in your next five spell words, cover each word then try and spell it a further two times. Please write two sentences using your spell words, these can be real or silly sentences.

Task 2- Before the Spring holiday we were learning about verbs. Remember a verb is an action or doing word.
Today we are going to learn about adverbs. Adverbs are words which describe verbs.
Look at the PowerPoint (on google classroom) to learn about adverbs.
Now complete the Adverbs task. This can be done by editing the Word document or by writing the sentences into your Literacy jotter.

Task 3-
Keep on Reading! I have attached the link to Roy the Zebra, before the holidays you were asked to read chapter 1 and 2, please read chapter 3 aloud to a grown up. It has been a little while since you last read the story so if you like you could have a quick scan over the first two chapters. Use the before and after reading discussion sheets to chat about what you have read. What do you think is in the distance at the end of Chapter 3?


NUMERACY- cylinders and spheres

Task 1-
Complete Tuesday Mental Maths in Numeracy Jotter. I have attached a hundred square to help you complete this task.

Task 2-
Follow the Topmarks link below to have a go at counting tens and ones.


Task 3-
Complete Heinemann Workbook page 12.


NUMERACY- pyramids

Task 1-
Complete Tuesday Mental Maths in your Numeracy Jotters.

Task 2- Today you will be revising number stories to 10.
Log in to Education City. I have assigned a game to your classwork called Addition Impossible. If it is not in your classwork to find it you click on Numeracy > Early > Early *** Addition Impossible Activity Number bonds to 10.

Task 3- Pupil Sheet 25