Monday 20th April

Good morning Primary 2, how are you all today? Did you have a nice Spring Break? Did you do anything fun?

The weather has been fantastic, I have had lots of fun playing with Arthur in the garden and yesterday we had our first BBQ of the year. Arthur turns two in a few weeks and over the holiday he has been learning to say lots of new words, he has become a little chatterbox!

You will find todays tasks in your Classwork tab on Google Classroom. Our sound this week is ‘oi’. Please watch the video then try and think of your own ‘oi’ words.

Incase you are unable to access Google Classroom I have included your tasks below.


Task 1- copy in your first five spell words, cover each word and try and spell it a further two times.







had   life
film   fry
oil night
coin high
noisy dive
toilet wife
would five
right cry
boiling tie

Task 2-

Complete Jolly Spelling 27- oi

Task 3-

News Writing.
In your literacy jotter I would like you to write about your Spring Break. I know we’ve all had to change our normal plans but hopefully we’ll look back at this time as the time we spent lots of fun at home with our family.
You must:
• write at least 3 sentences – using capital letters and full stops correctly
• include your feelings
• draw an illustration


Cylinders and Spheres – LI- To add tens

Task 1- Education City- Numeracy- First Level * > Of Dice and Ten Learning Screen

Task 2- Mental Maths

Cylinders and Spheres 20th april

Task 3- Heinemann Workbook page 9 & 10.

Pyramids L.I- to use addition to solve calculations. 

Task 1- Mental Maths Adding 3 numbers

Task 2- Pupil Sheet 24

Task 3- Topmarks Game- select the addition train carriage then select three one-digit numbers.