Wednesday 25th March

Good morning! How is everyone today?

Hopefully you have been enjoying the tasks so far and have been managing to complete them on your own or with little help from a grown up.

Please remember just do what you can, it’s important to spend time with your family, play and exercise.

Today’s tasks are in the classwork folder on Google Classroom. If you have any questions or problems accessing them comment on the Classroom to let me know.

If you would like to join Joe Wicks PE session at 9am follow the link below.

The Science Centre are streaming live classes and experiments every day at 10am to join in follow the link.


Select a spelling activity from the grid in your green folder. If you can’t find it, I have attached a picture of the grid below.
If you like, you can post a picture of your spell words on the class stream.

reading comprehension-

Please read the passage aloud to a grown up.
Read over the questions then read the passage again.

Use your literacy jotter, put the big date on the top line and then the title of the passage, Stanley.

Put the question number on the left hand side and answer each question, writing in full sentences. You do not have to copy down the question.

Remember to use a capital letter and full stop. Read over each answer to check it makes sense.


Please complete Wednesday Mental Maths in your numeracy jotter.  (See picture on Monday’s blog post)

Your instructions are to identify which numbers are odd and circle them. If it is a three digit number, you look at the last digit to work out if the number is odd or even. All numbers ending in 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 are odd.

For example- 215 the last digit is 5, which is an odd number, so 215 is odd.
276 the last digit is 6, 6 is even so 276 is an even number.

Odd and Even-

Please have a go at playing odd or even on the TopMarks website. The link is below.

Pyramids please complete home activity sheet 9. I have included a picture of the sheet. This is inside your numeracy workbook.

Cylinders and spheres please complete the worksheet attached- Colour Hearts.
1. if you have a printer you could print the sheet and complete.
2. If you don’t have a printer your or and adult, copy the hearts and calculations into your jotter then follow the instructions.

Colour the heart red if the answer is odd and purple if it is even.

If you do not have a purple and red pick two different colours. One for odd and a different colour for even.