Monday 23rd March

Hi Primary 2, your learning for today is on Google Classroom but incase you can not access it I will put up as much as I can here to help you. Parents please remember this is a huge adjustment, all tasks do not have to be completed , please find a routine that works for you and your family.

Literacy- I would like you to copy in your first five spell words into your spelling or literacy jotter. Read each word carefully, cover then try and spell it another two times.

our spelling rule this week is ‘ou’ watch this video clip then think of some words with the ou spelling and complete Jolly Spelling sheet 25.

Numeracy-  Count up in odd numbers how far did you get?

Complete Monday Mental Maths in your Numeracy jotters.

Cylinders and Spheres –


Login to Education  City (details in home

pack) and complete odd and even task.