
Primary 2 have been discussing memories. We have made our own memory box and today some boys and girls brought in something that represents a happy memory.

Amie brought in books from when she was a baby. They make her happy as she remembers mummy and daddy reading to her.

Finn brought in a photo of him as a baby and a toy. The toy makes him happy as he remembers the first time he cuddled it.

Lucy brought a shell which reminds her of all the happy times she has spent in Crail.

Ethan brought in photographs from a holiday meeting Mickey Mouse. He still smiles thinking about it.

Emaline brought in a sticker that reminds her of a happy tea party she had with her sister.

Isla brought in teddy monkey. This toy makes her happy as her gran gave her it and she loves cuddling her.

Brayden brought Charlie the teddy who makes him happy because he is so soft and reminds him of when he was younger.

Nathan brought in a little dinosaur which makes him happy as it was the first time he was at a museum. Nathan shared his big brother held him for the first time at the museum. What a happy memory!

Mason brought in toys he bought from his pocket money. They make him happy as he was proud to buy himself something.

Lucas shared his happy memory, photos from his mum and dads wedding. It makes him happy as he loves weddings and his mum and dad!