Technologies – Coding

We have ben learning how to code using different software. We then transferred our code onto a piece of hardware called a microbit which has LEDs to show the code.

First we started with a flashing heart, then our names and finally more challenging code like a dice and the rock, paper, scissors game.

We know how important coding is for things in our everyday life and maybe some of us will need to use it in our jobs in the future.



Today in PE, Primary 5 started a block of gymnastics. The pupils worked on their balancing skills, thinking about different ways they could position their bodies to make shapes on a range of equipment. Everyone listened very well and came up with super imaginative ideas. Each group also supported each other and tried their very best, well done Primary 5!


We have been learning about different types of bridges.
We completed some research in groups and recorded our findings on a Jamboard. Then we used a variety of materials to create our own bridges across the ‘River Clyde’


We applied our knowledge of attachment techniques to complete a number of challenges.
First we created ‘the tallest tower.’

Then we created a free standing castle wall.

Finally we created a complete castle focusing on including the features of a castle such as drawbridge, turret, battlement, portcullis and arrow loops.


We have been learning about the properties of different materials. We sorted the materials into categories and discussed their different purposes.  We are going to apply these into our Castle and Bridges STEM challenges.         

We developed our measuring skills by using our rulers to measure multiple points to ensure we could draw a straight line. We learned about different attachment techniques such as tabs, slot, flange, l-brace and gusset.


Children in Need

We had a fun-filled day raising money for Children in Need. We enjoyed buying toys and books and taking part in the sports stations organised by our House Captains.

Bonfire Night

We used our knowledge of similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia to create a group poem about Bonfire Night. We arranged our writing on different coloured flames and used some twigs for our bonfire. We were really proud of our designs. (ARTICLE 28)


We celebrated Halloween by writing spooky stories. We have been learning how to structure a story with a clear beginning, middle and end. We focused on developing characters and setting using interesting WOW words. In our spooky stories we developed a storyline using chapters and then typed up our books using Google Classroom.

Our books were then published into our class library. Then we shared our books with our Primary 1 buddies and our classmates.

We also practiced our skills using a French dictionary. We completed a crossword to learn some new French Halloween themed words.

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