All posts by Mr Cummins

Make £5 Grow

We have been showcasing excellent enterprising skills in P7.1 lately! Our budgeting, creativity and people skills have been put to the test, as we were given the task of ‘Making £5 Grow’.

We were given a £5 loan each from Virgin Money, and split up into groups to try and make a profit. We created strong branding and made use of the 4 P’s when marketing.

Our hard work and entrepreneurial skills paid off, as a class we made £421!

A wheelie good Tuesday

Hey everyone,

As well as being busy learning  this week, we had a great opportunity to ride some bikes on Tuesday. We overcame lots of obstacles, quite literally! Some of us are looking forward to biking and walking into school next week too as part of the ‘Big Walk and Wheel’ week.







Run up to Christmas

Primary seven have been really busy on the run up for Christmas, but have also been finding time to have lots of fun!
On Monday we had a lovely time helping primary one with their STEM challenge; building a sleigh for Father Christmas. We have also had a great time at our Christmas party yesterday, playing lots of different games and busting out some great dancing moves.

We wish you all a very Merry Chirstmas,

From Mr Cummins, Miss Griffith and primary seven.


Primary 7 lately


We’ve had a bit of a design focus in Primary 7 lately. We have been looking at Anderson Shelters in our WW2 topic, and took our interest in this outside. We created our own shelters, big enough for 6 people, and compared them to real Anderson Shelters. We have also started designing and making Anderson Shelter models, using a range of materials.
Our Friday challenge last week was also design related! We built bags out of newspaper that were strong enough to hold a can of of soup. It would’ve been easier, if there wasn’t a twist involved…

Science Centre Trip

Primary Seven had a fantastic time at Glasgow Science Centre today! We explored many different experiments and demonstrations, looking at physics, biology and chemistry topics.

We were very lucky to be invited in today a Body Works Talk, with a really engaging host. We learnt all about the different vitals of the body, and explored the different systems in the body, including the digestive system!



Welcome to Primary Seven!

We had a great first week in Primary 7.1. We’ve been settling well into class and working together in groups on all sorts of projects. From developing mind-maps and blueprints to help Mr Cummins get acquainted with a new school; to creating our own intricate Maths board games! Some of us have been focusing on our House Captain campaigns, we are eagerly awaiting the vote.

Have a look at our photos to see examples of the interesting self-portraits we have been creating.

We are all really looking forward to the year ahead, Primary seven is going to be great!