All posts by Miss Hutchison

Sports Day and Fun Day!

Primary 4.1 all took part in Cross Arthurlie’s Sports Day, where they had to use lots of different skills they have been practising over the year to win points for their house!

Then on our last week, the class voted on what they would like to do for their Fun Day! They chose to have a sleepover movie day with popcorn and hot chocolate. Afterwards, they completed a Harry Potter themed escape room!  Then they enjoyed ice cream from the van and a fun sports event organised by the Primary 7s!

It was a well deserved Fun Day, after the class have all shown great determination and hard work throughout the year! We have certainly had lots of smiles and laughs this year, and Fun Day was no exception!

Master Builders and Learners!

We have some Master Builders in our class, who have been set with design challenges to meet using Lego!

We then decided to experiment with some different materials. Here you can see the spaghetti bridges made in class. It was quite a challenge, but they worked well as a team to tackle each problem they faced!

Then we used Knex to practise following instructions. They split themselves into different roles; The Engineer, The Builder and The Supplier. This group of workers, were very proud of the Knex seesaw they built!

In French we have been investigating french object vocabulary using dictionaries to help us!

We have also been practising our french pronunciation when asking and answering questions!

In ICT we have been using the Scratch online coding platform to create computer games and animations.

In Maths we opened up our own shops and played pretend, to practice adding and subtracting money!

Finally in PE, we have been working on our tennis skills! The class have been rallying the tennis ball back and forth with their rackets! They have shown great determination to keep practising!

Lego and Bugs!

In this new term, we have started our Lego topic, all about using design and engineering skills!

The class have been given design challenges to solve individually or in pairs! They have made roller coasters for a new theme park to houses for their mini figures!

We have been using Lego when in Art too! We used the Lego Movie logo as inspiration to create a 3D collage of our names! Then we created printed paintings using lego. The class choice to print their favourite animals, and we had a lot of penguins!

The class have been taking advantage of the nice weather creating a bug hotel for all the insects that live in the Cross Arthurlie playground! They collected everything they needed to ensure the bugs felt welcome in their new holiday location. Here is the finished product!


Happy Easter!

This term has been one we will never forget. In the short time we have been back the class got right back into their learning! Well done to the whole class for their resilience through our remote learning and then for all their hard work since they have been back in class!

We learnt about all the ways advertisers try to influence our decisions when buying food. After we created our advertising plans, we designed the front of our kids cereal boxes, with brand characters, catchy slogans and bold lettering!

Here are the pupils’ Keith Harring inspired pop art drawings!

The class worked together on this large jigsaw in class! It reminded us of all the animals we learnt about from our Rainforest topic!

Then finally, here are some pictures of the class today using their maths knowledge to crack some Easter codes!

I hope you all have a fantastic Easter holiday!

Christmas time!

We had loads of fun making different Christmas themed maths board games in class! The class worked really well together in teams to create these unique board games.

Santa (myself) asked the little elves (the pupils) to create these little woolly hat Christmas tree ornaments for the schools Christmas fayre. We had to practice a lot of patience to make them, but when they were done, we loved the results!

The classed loved their virtual visit from the McDougalls for this years panto! We screamed at our screen (a lot) and danced along to the songs!

Then we had our Christmas party, which was filled with games, dancing, laughter and some chocolate prizes too!

I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and a happy new Year!



Investigating, Dribbling and Campaigning!

The initial frustration of some light bulbs not working and some batteries being out of charge forced the class to investigate and problem solve collaboratively in order to reach their shared goal of completing the circuit. That initial frustration was quickly replaced with excitement and pride when all the pupils in class managed to get their electrical circuit to switch on. You got the power!

Pupils took over the classroom with their measuring tapes, calculators, pencils and maths jotters to investigate area. They enjoyed putting their new knowledge and skills to the test. Getting new carpets? Give primary 4/1 a call!

The class have been learning lots of new hockey skills recently. Here you can see some great examples of them dribbling through an obstacle course of cones. The improvement of their skills over the weeks has been down to their fantastic commitment and enthusiasm.

Our rainforest topic lead to very important conversations about deforestation and climate change among the class. Their passion for these topics lead to the beginning of  new campaigning project in class.  We created campaign logos showing the dramatic difference between a healthy world and one that has been destroyed from deforestation and climate change. Their artwork really sent a powerful message.

As well as this, we used a green screen to transport ourselves into the rainforest to report on the impacts that deforestation has on animal habitats. With quite a few animal lovers in the class, they all fell easily into the serious roles of journalists. When one group was recording their video, the rest of the class also fell easily into the not so serious role of monkeys and snakes, creating noises in the background to give a more realistic experience of being in the rainforest.


Rainforests, Drama and Staying Active!

The class have been using their imagination, working in groups to create short drama performances. In this lesson the class were challenged to create props to enhance their performances after our rehearsals. Wolf ears were created for the Three Little Pigs performance and a Beanstalk was created for Jack to ‘climb’ up.









The class have thoroughly enjoyed having Chris the Active Schools Coordinator setting up active PE fitness games. It was nearly Halloween when these pictures were taken, so the class played zombie tig and went head to head filling their witches cauldrons with pumpkins (basketballs).

We started our new rainforest topic this month and in this lesson the class were identifying the key features of a rainforest. The class then enjoyed trying to match animals to their different habitats within the rainforest. From sloths who live in the canopy layer to the anteaters who live on the forest floor layer.

Primary 4.1 are active learners!

In science, we have been enjoying learning about the human body. The class were all successful in creating their own set of lungs. They were able to explain how our lungs increase and decrease in size as we breathe.

It was maths week this week, so we found lots of time to play different maths games. In picture 1 pupils were playing a multiplication board game.  In picture 2 we were learning coordinates through playing battleships. Then, in picture 3 we completed a jigsaw of numbers up to 144.

The class have shown fantastic motivation throughout these weeks, even if their battle ship sunk!

A fantastic start to the year!

We have had a fantastic start to primary 4. The class have been busy producing great work since the very first day.

The class created lovely acrostic poems using their own names. They have also created beautiful pop art drawings of Lego characters, using their own imagination to make them truly ‘pop’. Then this week, the class created wanted posters, characterising different 3D shapes.

Well done to whole class for their motivation and enthusiasm!