All posts by Miss Griffith

Learning with Miss Griffith

These are some of the things P7.1 have been learning with Miss Griffith over the last few weeks.

Talking and Listening – Debate

The children took part in a debate, where we discussed the topic ‘children should strike for climate change’.

P7.1 used the ‘Lincoln Douglas’ debate format where we all had assigned roles. We spent time researching our roles, researching our positions, and practising debate skills with persuasive language.

In French, we have been learning to use every day language and have been researching Francophone cultures. Just before Christmas we took part in a French Christmas Market, where everyone spent time creating products to ‘sell’ and learning how to use the target conversational language about shopping. The class was turned into a Christmas market for the afternoon, where we put our skills to the test!

Recently in RME, we have been focusing on the religious or non-religious views of influential figures. Last week we studied Martin Luther King Jr and thought critically about how his actions may have influenced the actions of others and the Civil Rights movement.

RME and STEM in P7.1

In RME with Miss Griffith, Primary 7/1 have been discussing inspirational people and their values. We’ve considered who we find inspirational and why, and how their values align with ours. In groups, we discussed which values were most important to us and how we all have different beliefs. We then started looking at religious figures and how they might inspire people.


In Science this week, we have been learning about energy transfers. Our task was to come up with an experiment that demonstrated any type of energy transfer. We all chose to do something different and this led to great discussions. Soon we’ll have the opportunity to repeat the experiments that weren’t successful.