All posts by gw18mitchellgrant@glow

Volcanoes are taking shape!

I can feel the rumbling of something happening! Children this week have been learning about the surrounding of volcanoes and what the result of an eruption can bring. The land around can be destroyed by an eruption but can also be very fertile meaning people can grow healthy crops.


We are making our volcanoes!

Did you know that some volcanoes never explode? But ours will! We are building our super volcanoes from recycled materials.

Using paper mache and bottles we are making the classic cone shaped volcano. Next week we will use a chemical reaction to make lava erupt from them!

Stay tuned to see the great explosion!

Live, Love, Lava

This week we are beginning to build our volcanoes. The children have used diagrams to learn about how the Earth’s processes cause earth quakes and volcanoes to erupt. We will be making our volcanoes, painting them and then using a chemical reaction from last topic to make them spew lava! (ARTICLE 28)


Tea lights and Rangoli patterns

Our classroom now looks a brighter place with our new Diwali display. The children have worked hard to make their tea light holders shine with colour, representing the celebration of Rama and Sita returning to the kingdom. The Rangoli patterns to promote wealth and prosperity finish the display off nicely and make the place feel much more welcoming.

Happy Diwali

It’s still a couple of months away but P6.1 have been creating tea light holders as part of our RE lessons on Diwali. We learned about the story of Rama and Sita and how they defeated the evil Ravana.

The tea lights were used to light the way for Rama and Sita when they returned after the battle. Hindus and other religions light these during Diwali (which translates to the festival of light) to celebrate the festival. This year Diwali is on 22nd October. Next week we will paint these bright colours before displaying them in the classroom.