All posts by gw18mitchellgrant@glow


P6 are practising using the Knex  for a competition at BHS. Two lucky pupils from P6 will get the chance to go and compete with other primary schools in East Renfrewshire for a chance to enter the Grand final of the Glasgow Science Festival: Creating Engineers Challenge.

We will be choosing the two pupils to enter in two weeks time when we have our own in class competition.

How to network!

Children are learning how to network the microbits. The microbits can connect through Bluetooth and radio networks meaning that you can send messages and play games between then them.

Some of the children had set up radio groups to talk to each other on different channels.

Electric circuits.

Electricians in the making! This week P6 are building electrical circuits and using a simulator to see the effects of electrical circuits on their components. Evie found out that if she connects more batteries then the lightbulb gets brighter! Max and Sophie were able to make a fan using a motor.

Rock paper scissors!

P6 have been coding microbits today in order to play a high tech game of rock paper scissors. The devices contain an accelerometer which is the device on phones that allows them to turn the screen around. They then shook the device to change the picture to rock scissors or paper!

Electrical safety

This week is all about electrical safety. Obviously, electricity can be dangerous so we are discussing the ways we can keep ourselves safe as well as some of the safety features that exist in our house and appliances.

We used ICT to research other ways to keep safe along with what electrical warning signs we should look out for.



Today we are looking at the differences between battery powered appliances and mains powered appliances. We found that mains powered are more powerful, and don’t run out of charge but battery powered items are more portable.

Planting, up cycling and economics.

This week the children are making their own planters and planting their spider plants. Not only is it therapeutic to keep plants around your house, it’s also good for the environment, good to reuse things, good to practise artistic skills, and it means you save money by not having to purchase plant pots! What’s not to love!



P6 have made and painted their volcanoes. They have learned about the ring of fire, subduction zones, manga build up and earthquakes. But it is now time to make these volcanoes erupt.

The class use baking powder, vinegar, food dye and washing up liquid to make it look like lava is coming out of the crater. They can see where pyroclastic flows come down and creating new layers of the Earth’s crust.