All posts by gw16littleeilidh@glow

Halloween! ๐ŸŽƒ

Primary 5 made an amazing effort with their costumes for their Halloween party! The guest list included Hermione Granger, ย Donald Trump and a T-Rex along with lots of other fabulous characters! ๐Ÿฆ–๐Ÿง™โ€โ™€๏ธ๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿฅณ

Maths Week!

This week, as part of maths week, Primary 5 have been investigating the sugar in their food. The pupils used a food smart app to scan different products and find the sugar content. They then worked out how much was in one portion and recorded this using the correct units. The pupils then looked at their daily allowance and explained wither the food was low, medium or high in sugar. Next, the children created their own bar graphs complete with labels and an appropriate scale. Finally, the pupils added the information they found about the sugar content of different foods into their bar charts so people would see their findings clearly.

Welcome to Primary 5!

Welcome to Primary 5! This week we have been talking about our ideal classroom and putting our ideas into practice. The children enjoyed a book tasting where they explored new books and shared their personal favourites. Primary 5 have also demonstrated of their knowledge of geometry by creating parabolic curves. Today in art, the pupils learned about primary colours and how they can use them to make secondary colours. They then created their own colour wheels, well done Primary 5!


Diva Lamps!

As part of RME Primary 4 have been learning about Hinduism and the festival of light, Diwali. Using clay, the pupils carefully crafted diva lamps into their traditional shape and painted them with wonderful bright colours, well done Primary 4!