All posts by gw16littleeilidh@glow

Outdoor Week!

This week Primary 5 took part in an outdoor week. The children started with BikeAbility in which they practised controlled stops, signalling and cycling in different directions. On Wednesday, the pupils tried den building and completed a photo challenge, trying out creative angles and compositions. Thursday saw the pupils walk up Gleniffer Braes where they visited a waterfall and played team sports after lunch. Primary 5 then finished off the week with a visit to the Foundry where they played basketball and tennis along with an afternoon of orienteering. All of the children tried their very best at the activities, persevering even when faced with challenges and even a little rain!


Sports Day :)

This week Cross Arthurlie had Sports Day! Everyone tried their very best, taking part in all of the activities with enthusiasm. All of the children also demonstrated excellent sportsmanship, encouraging and celebrating the achievements of others.


Science- Separation Techniques!

Primary 5 have been mixing substances in Science. Last week the pupils carried out experiments to test the solubility of different substances in water. The pupils made excellent predictions and carried out their experiments carefully and accurately. The pupils have then progressed onto separating insoluble materials from water this week. They used 4 different separation techniques: magnetism, sieving, filtering and decanting. The children were all able to explain what they observed and how they could use this outside of the classroom, well done everyone!

Red Nose Day!

Today all of the children at Cross Arthurlie have been celebrating Red Nose Day. Each class took part in a red nose and spoon race in the playground and the whole school joined together in an online kahoot quiz. The pupils also did some yoga inspired by the red nose characters. This week Primary 5 also got the chance to programme spheors. After some practise every member of the class was able to steer their sphero through our class obstacle course, well done!

World Book Day!

Today Cross Arthurlie Primary celebrated World Book Day! Lots of pupils dressed up and everyone took part in fun activities across the school. Primary 5 started their day by reading to the Primary 1s with great expression! The class then shared how different books made them feel. After break the class took part in a scavenger hunt to find the names of different characters. Taking inspiration from people in their lives and characters from their favourite books the pupils then created their own imaginative characters. In the afternoon, the children took turns exploring different audio books in ICT and reading in the school library. The day then ended with a parade in the playground where pupils could see the costumes from different classes.


Burns Day!

Yesterday, Primary 5 celebrated Robert Burns Day! The haggis was piped in which was followed by Jude reading the Selkirk Grace. Lots of children then helped to address the haggis in both English and traditional Scots language. Next pupils had the chance to sample some Scottish food which was followed by the reading of Burns poems and lots of Scottish dancing. The class then finished off the celebrations by singing Auld Lang Syne.

It’s Christmas!

Yesterday Primary 5 had a fun filled day! After break they watched the panto ‘Rapunzel’ which was followed by a surprise visitor. After this the class had their Christmas party with plenty of games and dancing. Everyone joined in, trying their very best at all of the games, and showing off some fabulous dance moves! Merry Christmas Primary 5!

Castles and Bridges!

Primary have been learning about castles and bridges as part of their science, mats and engineering focus. The pupils researched famous castles and bridges and found out about their common features. The children then practised different attachment and support techniques which they then used to complete group challenges. Each group built a tower, free-standing wall and eventually a whole castle. The children worked together beautifully and were able to apply their learning to create very successful models.



Today Primary 5 visited the Foundry to take part in a judo workshop. Everyone listened very carefully and tried their best at all of the activities and moves. Well done Primary 5!