All posts by Miss Burnett

Muddy Movers

Primary 1 have been using loose parts such as crates, pallets and planks of wood outdoors to create obstacle courses. We have been developing our balancing skills. Sophie Mc  said, “you have to hold your head up to balance”. Harvey held his arms out to help him keep his balance. Evie took her time crossing the wooden plank and told us she kept her body tall.



3D shapes

We have been exploring 3D shapes. We found many 3D shapes in our enviornment at home and at school.

“This is a cylinder”- Cara

 “I found a cylinder and a sphere”- Dylan

 “It’s a cylinder”- Sam “I found a cylinder”- Josh “I found a cuboid”-Lewis

“I have a cylinder”- Ellie “This tennis ball is shaped like a sphere”- Sophie Mc

Foodbank Donations

Primary 1 were so pleased with all the donations we recieved for the Trussell Trust Food Bank in Barrhead. Mrs Powell and Mrs Burnett visited the foodbank and handed in all the wonderful donations. The foodbank were very pleased.

The Dragon and The Three Little Pigs

The dragon visited our school and left us a letter and his favorite story, The Three Little Pigs.

We found a letter from the dragon hanging from the dragon tree.

We read the story of The Three Little Pigs and decided to build our own house for the pigs. The children got to choose which material they wanted to use and gave their reasons for selecting a certain material. Mrs Burnett tried to blow each house down and we discovered the construction bricks were the strongest material.

Scott and Michaela
Danni and Abbie

Honey tasting!

During our minibeast topic we learned about bees and how they produce honey. We discovered that bees are the only minibeast that produce food that we can eat. Primary 1 tasted honey and we shared if we liked honey or not. Half our class liked honey and half did not.


We have been exploring measure. We made worms out of plasticine and discussed how to measure the length of each worm to identify the longest and shortest worm. Sophie suggested we count them so we decided to use cubes to identify how many cubes long each worm was.

Harvey had the longest worm at 89 cubes long!

We had so much fun measuring the length of our worms we measured the length of our feet.