Master Builders and Learners!

We have some Master Builders in our class, who have been set with design challenges to meet using Lego!

We then decided to experiment with some different materials. Here you can see the spaghetti bridges made in class. It was quite a challenge, but they worked well as a team to tackle each problem they faced!

Then we used Knex to practise following instructions. They split themselves into different roles; The Engineer, The Builder and The Supplier. This group of workers, were very proud of the Knex seesaw they built!

In French we have been investigating french object vocabulary using dictionaries to help us!

We have also been practising our french pronunciation when asking and answering questions!

In ICT we have been using the Scratch online coding platform to create computer games and animations.

In Maths we opened up our own shops and played pretend, to practice adding and subtracting money!

Finally in PE, we have been working on our tennis skills! The class have been rallying the tennis ball back and forth with their rackets! They have shown great determination to keep practising!