Home learning Thursday 26th March

Good Morning Primary 3/1 🌞

It’s everyone’s favourite day…. Thursday!!! I have scheduled work to come on at 9am but as usual you do not need to feel any pressure to complete it all. 😊

Literacy and English


Pick a spelling strategy from the spelling menu I included in your home learning pack. Remember to pick a different strategy when completing homework.

Reading Skills

Complete your reading skills booklet from your home-learning pack for one or two books of your choice. Monday to Friday’s reading skills tasks should be completed by Friday

Word of the Day

Complete the activities for the word of the day. This will help you practise your literacy skills while we are off. I will try to post a new word every day. If you know any very interesting words that could be used then let me know.

Numeracy and Mathematics

Mental Maths/Problem Solving

To keep our brains working I have assigned an extra mental maths problem. When you solve the problem you could send it to me to check.

Squares and Triangles Target.

We are learning how to divide using written methods.

Using the bus stop method of dividing solve the problems from the text book page. I will post the answers later so you can self assess your work. 😊

Circles Target

LI- We are learning how to multiply and divide by 10.

Complete the problems in the picture. Remember the rules for multiplying and dividing by 10 to help you. I will post the answers later so that you can self assess your work.


As you all know we normally do PE on a Thursday morning. I have included the links to cosmic kids yoga AND Joe Wicks PE this morning. It would be great if you could do one of them or even both if you feel up to it.

If you don’t want to do those activities then why don’t you play a game with an adult at home or a sibling? You could teach someone how to play Miss Anderson’s favourite game….. CHAOS TIG.




We are learning how to use the internet responsibly.
We are learning how to research.

Research an animal of your choice. When conducting your research remember the issues we’ve discussed in class:
* Not all information on the internet is correct. (fake news)
Once your research is complete I would like you to create a poster using word about your animal. You must include at least five facts about your chosen animal. You must also include a reason why you have chosen that particular animal to research.

You could also use the non fiction books on Epic to help with your research.
This work may take you more than one day so don’t worry about completing it today.