Home Learning Monday 23.03.20

Good morning P3/1 😊

Here is your tasks for today. Feel free to complete tasks in any order that you like.

This is a very different way of learning for everyone so don’t put too much pressure on yourself or your family. I am happy for you to do as much as you can. Try and help out at home and remember to make time for your own hobbies/having fun.

Spelling Words and Mental Maths Homework

Spelling and mental maths homework should be completed as normal. I have included all of the remaining mental maths and spelling words in the home learning pack. 

Literacy and English – Spelling and Reading Skills Booklet.

Choose a book that you would like explore for the week. This could be any form of text: a chapter book, a comic, a picture book, anything you like! Use your reading skills booklet to complete Monday’s task. Your reading skills booklet is inside your home learning pack.

Pick a spelling strategy from the spelling menu I have put into your home learning pack.

Numeracy and Mathematics

Squares and Triangles.

Learning Intention: I am learning how to divide using written methods.

Success Criteria
I will be successful if:
1. I lay out my calculations using the bus stop method.
2. I make sure I only put one number in a box.
3. I look at the question carefully, is the number already in that multiplication table? For example: 21 divided by 3. 21 is in the 3 times-table so we know the answer will be 7.
4. I look at the question carefully, is the number far bigger than my times-tables? For example 69 divided by 3. 69 is not in the 3 times-table that we know confidently.
5. Split the 69 into tens and units. Divide the tens (6) by 3 then the units (9) by 3. The answer is 23.

I have included a link to a YouTube video that you should watch before completing the assignment.


Learning Intention: We are learning how to multiply and divide by 10.
Success Criteria
I will be able to:
1. Recall my 10 timestables by heart.
2. Explain that when I muLLLLtiply by 10, the digits move one place to the LLLLEFT. For now, a zero takes the place of the units column. eg. 10 x 4 = 40
3. Explain that when I divide by 10, the digits move one place to the right (For now, the zero goes away and the number goes back to the units column.) 40 divided by 10 = 4.


Pick an activity from the Easter topic grid. You can post a picture, or video, to the class feed if you wish. There are a good variety of tasks on the grid so you should find something you’ll enjoy. 🙂

Hope everyone has a lovely Monday! 😊