Investigating, Dribbling and Campaigning!

The initial frustration of some light bulbs not working and some batteries being out of charge forced the class to investigate and problem solve collaboratively in order to reach their shared goal of completing the circuit. That initial frustration was quickly replaced with excitement and pride when all the pupils in class managed to get their electrical circuit to switch on. You got the power!

Pupils took over the classroom with their measuring tapes, calculators, pencils and maths jotters to investigate area. They enjoyed putting their new knowledge and skills to the test. Getting new carpets? Give primary 4/1 a call!

The class have been learning lots of new hockey skills recently. Here you can see some great examples of them dribbling through an obstacle course of cones. The improvement of their skills over the weeks has been down to their fantastic commitment and enthusiasm.

Our rainforest topic lead to very important conversations about deforestation and climate change among the class. Their passion for these topics lead to the beginning of  new campaigning project in class.  We created campaign logos showing the dramatic difference between a healthy world and one that has been destroyed from deforestation and climate change. Their artwork really sent a powerful message.

As well as this, we used a green screen to transport ourselves into the rainforest to report on the impacts that deforestation has on animal habitats. With quite a few animal lovers in the class, they all fell easily into the serious roles of journalists. When one group was recording their video, the rest of the class also fell easily into the not so serious role of monkeys and snakes, creating noises in the background to give a more realistic experience of being in the rainforest.