Home Learning Wednesday 25th March

Good Morning Primary 3! 😊

I have scheduled work to go live on Google Classroom at 9am. Here is an overview for those who may not be able to access it.

Remember this work is only to support you at home so don’t feel any pressure to complete all the work. Becoming adjusted to this new situation and spending time as a family are equally important. I have missed being in class with you all so much and hope we can all return soon.

Literacy and English


LI: We are learning how to identify and use proper nouns.

The names of people and places are proper nouns.
Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter.

The Gruffalos and the Stickmen- complete both pages.
Ladybirds – Complete the first two sections.

Remember to read the instructions at each section before completing.

I have provided the link to a YouTube video that you can watch to refresh your knowledge on proper nouns.

I have also included the link to an Education City game that you can play to practise your skills.

Reading Skills

Complete your reading skills booklet from your home-learning pack for one or two books of your choice. Monday to Friday’s reading skills tasks should be completed by Friday.


Pick a spelling strategy from the spelling menu I included in your home learning pack. Remember to pick a different strategy when completing homework.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

We normally do a Mental Maths quiz on a Wednesday after assembly. We normally can’t see these questions and do them mentally in our heads, unless we need to see part of the question of course! Why not ask an adult or sibling to read out the questions? When you’re done, see how many you got out of 10, just like in class. 📖💯🧮

Physical Activity

Today I would love you to try out a PE lesson with Joe Wicks the Body Coach. You can access through the You Tube channel: ‘The Body Coach TV.’ Good luck! I tried it yesterday and I really enjoyed it. 🏋️‍♀️ My legs are also very very sore this morning. 😭


Hope you all have a great day and stay safe.

Miss Anderson