Welcome to P6! 🍎📚

Primary 6 have been busy learning new routines and have settled well into their new classroom. We have been exploring our new surroundings and resources  so that we can work independently.  We have had fun playing Numeracy and Literacy games to revise our previous learning.

We have been making the most of learning outside in our lovely school grounds and the beautiful weather. In maths we have been revising P5 concepts, including subtraction, division and symmetry.  In Art, we have been exploring the visual elements line, tone and pattern.

We studied the patterns created by a range of beautiful mandalas. We discussed how the often have multiple lines of symmetry and lots of detail. We decided to recreate some mandalas using natural materials. We had fun selecting the objects in the playground  then arranging them.

We have also started our new Interdisciplinary Learning topic of Space! 🚀We joined our learning in Literacy and Science when we created these fantastic informational leaflets using our notes from a National Geographic video. In Literacy, we learned about the importance of layout and lettering when creating an informational text. We are going to share our leaflets with each other so we can learn all about the 8 planets in our Solar System. What a fantastic job our P6.1 class have made! 👏⭐ Here are some finished examples so far…

We also got to be the first class in the school to meet our new Mandarin teacher. We are looking forward to working in class with her next week and for Mandarin lessons to start again. 🇨🇳

Farewell Primary 5

Primary 5 had another good year at Cross Arthurlie and despite a period of learning from home, they’ve shown resilience and confidence by bouncing back.  We look forward to seeing everyone back for Primary 6.

Gleniffer Braes

We had a fantastic time walking to Gleniffer Braes. We explored the park a little and went to see the waterfall. There hadn’t been much rain so the waterfall was only a trickle but seeing it really made us all smile 😀 We then had a picnic & played some games.


Outdoor Week ☀️🌳🏕

We have been developing our skills in reading maps through orienteering.

We have also been exploring nature through the lens and seeing our playground at different angles.


We developed our teamwork skills through Den Building.

Dragons Den

As part of our learning about Fairtrade we created a product for helping farmers and then pitched our ideas in ‘Dragon’s Den.’ We had lots of amazing ideas such as water filter, a scanner for identifying which medicines people need and a scanner to help identify healthy and unhealthy plants. 

We discussed how to run a business, collaborated in making choices relating to the different roles and responsibilities and then evaluated the success of our business by pitching to the ‘dragons.’ We were lucky enough all to receive some investment. 

Science – Friction

We have been investigating how friction, including air resistance, affects motion. We used a variety of ramps to test the effect of different surfaces on how far a car travelled.  We made predictions then compared our results. Then we discussed ways to improve efficiency in moving objects.  


We have been learning about Fairtrade to explore ethical issues around the world and think about the difference between wants and needs. We understand the importance of Fairtrade in supporting farmers, local communities and the environment. We can identify Fairtade products and look forward to finding some in our local shops.

We located some Fairtrade countries on a map and thought about why the UK does not need to be supported by Fairtrade.

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